
Soft wash cleaning is a low-pressure washing procedure that combines chemicals to clean the surface. Unlike using a pressure washer, the soft wash system relies on low pressure to get rid of the organic growth on the building’s surface.

Our Services

Roof Cleaning

Roof Cleaning in South Florida When it comes to preserving the longevity and appearance of your roof, Cleaning By Drone has you covered. Our roof cleaning services will get your home or business cleaner, healthier, and more appealing.

Solar Panels

Solar Panels Cleaning in South Florida
Cleaning solar panels reduces dust, debris, and other contaminants such as leaves and bugs, which may further reduce efficiency. Performance improvement can be dramatic.  Let Cleaning By Drone take care of all of your solar panel cleaning needs.

Exterior Commercial Buildings

Residential Exterior Cleaning in South Florida
When it comes to revitalizing the exterior of your home, look no further than Cleaning By Drone. Our residential pressure washing services are ideal for making your home look cleaner, fresher, and more appealing. We use hard work and expertise to complete every task assigned to us without interfering with your daily life.

Exterior Residential Homes

Exterior Building Cleaning in South Florida
A gleaming exterior, whether commercial or residential, is essential for making a good first impression. We are Cleaning By Drone, and we are your best choice for maintaining the appearance and hygiene of the exterior of your building. We designed our building cleaning services to make a noticeable difference in the aesthetics of your property.

Why Choose us?

Our drone cleaning requires just 1-2 people for setup, compared to the 5-6 needed for a traditional job.

Jobs that would normally take multiple days can be completed in hours.

Our cleaning causes minimal disruption to commercial buildings or homes.